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  1. Nogic Avatar

    Happy B-Day Arsyn!!!!!!!! [belated bday at this point I guess]
    It’s only been like 8 months since I started hanging out in your streams, but at the end of every stream I wish I had started earlier. Because your stream is the best one on Twitch I know! I was originally part of a raid from Reef I think, and gave you a follow that night. I’m mad I sat on that follow for as long as I had before actually clicking on your stream again. Your community is one of the nicest and chillest I’ve ever chatted with, and you guys really know how to have a good time! I mostly lurk on twitch, but in your chat I actually feel comfortable getting involved. Even though you guys are pretty close knit, y’all are very friendly and inclusive. You are the first person I’ve subbed to with actual money, and I am so glad I can do that as a way to give back for what you do. It’s all relative but the last couple of years have been rough for me, just one thing after another. Everything was building up and things were seeming a bit grim. It was getting difficult to enjoy things that I used to. However, over the last couple of months things have been looking up 🙂 . And you really helped me with that because watching your stream consistently made me feel actually happy and kept me going. Which would roll into the morning, helping me go through the day how I actually wanted to. And it’s snowballed. So I am doing a lot better now, but I want to say that you were a big part of that change. (ngl im a little hesitant to say all that, because I dont want you to feel like there is any obligation on your part for anything, like I appreciate the hell out of how youve helped me but at the end of the day u aint nobodies counsellor or charity foundation so you just do you and we’ll take it from there!!)
    The last couple of days you have been saying you had no idea how much of an impact you had on us, and I’m so glad you’ve now had a chance to see all of that and how much you mean to us, because its really is true. And all of this is because of you! I don’t really know how to say it, but just something about the vibe you give off is just the best possible for a human being. You are kind & friendly, relatable & humble, and tons of fun to be around. You have brought together a community that reflects what you have put in this. We are here for you!! and your shit talk. And all of this just seems to come just so naturally from you.
    To me, it sometimes feels like you are too hard on yourself about who you are and what you do on Twitch. But just remember that you’ve done all this and every last bit of it earned!!! We love you Arsyn, I really hope that your birthday and days surrounding have and will be everything you’ve hoped for and more!!

    Stop shitting on mint ice cream, yall bunk, its great. stop capping
    Lol I’m a bit embarrassed how long this took me to write, and if I’m honest I kept trying to start this but never knew how to say any of it. So now being a couple days late I figured I needed to just throw the shit up so you could see it. Also sorry for the essay. and again, thanks for everything you do!

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  2. Mykro Avatar

    I haven’t been around as long as most of these people, but I truly appreciate hanging out and talking shit with you and everyone else. You make everyone feel welcome. I enjoy lurking more than I’m in chat, just vibin… You’re more than ‘just a nerd’…
    You’re a good nerd. Much love homie

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  3. BlackenedHeaven Avatar

    AYEEEE BROTHER!!! I have not been here in the community long but the little time that I have been here has been something that I will never forget and its been a blast. The passion you put into each and every single stream is immeasurable. The community that you have built around your streams is one that feels just like family even to someone as new as me. I came into the channel and was instantly gifted a sub by Red and have been here ever since that day.

    To be honest life has sucked something real hard in recent years. Its been up and down and these last few months have been some of the most down I have been. So I mean it when I say that your streams are something that make things a hell of a lot easier on the hard days. I dont have alot of friends to be honest and being in your stream makes me feel like I am not so alone, hell even in other streams when people from the community are there they say whats up and have the same kind of love as they do in your streams and that is something that I am forever grateful for because even though I dont know them personally it makes it feel like I am not alone around this crazy world.

    You are a content creator that has encouraged and inspired me to pick streaming back up and to keep pushing through on trying to get better with Tarkov even if I am playing solo due to not having anyone that plays anymore. I hope one day that me and you get some raids in together on Tarkov.

    And I hope that your days are filled with as much love as you have shown to your community!! Keep up that grind and Ill see you in the next stream!

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  4. RoseReyna Avatar

    ‘92 BABIES FOR LIFE! Thank you so much for being such a positive, goofy, kind person. You made the best impression on me when we first met in Tarkov. I was truly amazed at your poise and your talent as a Tarkov Ballerina Extraordinaire. Only a Twitch Rivals winner could operate with such grace.
    Thank you for always looking out for everyone’s safety by telling them to lock their doors and turn the lights down low. But seriously, your voice is amazing and I am so glad you share it with us! You crack me up consistently and I always look forward to seeing you live. I’m so excited about your new house and hope it brings you all the best comfort and joy! You deserve an absolutely amazing year! HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY, FRIEND!!

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  5. Noaklan Avatar

    Happy birthday Arsyn! Less than a month away before I beat you in arm wrestling at TC. You bunk

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  6. Post Avatar

    Arsyn, arsyn, arsyn. We’re do i begin. You were my 1st streamer i ever started watching on twitch. All started when i thought this game was absolutely dope and 1st found it a lil over 2 years ago. A friend recommended you to me and said you were an absolutely great person. I was shy at 1st but soon, chat showed hella love, was always accepting me and always made me feel welcomed no matter the day.

    The day i knew you were a real one and i showed your love for me, was when dude started hackling me in your chat and you stuck up for me. Made me feel wanted type shit. Loved you like a brother from that day out.

    I’ve had some pretty dark and lonely moments where i felt i had no one and everytime, you and chat were open arm’s and made me feel loved. I’m sorry i have been away more recently then here. Tryna get my shit right. Slowly but surely but even with being away all that time, you welcomed and showed love like i never left and thats real.

    Anyway brother, love you man and i hope you had a dope ass birthday fam. Bunk ass xD

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  7. Jaala Avatar

    Cam, where do I even fucking start. I remember you poaching the innocent SapphireFlames back in the day, and you helped her find herself! You know how much of an impact you had on my life, so you better read these and fucking know how much you mean to us all ❤ Thank you for all the good memories, and I look forward to the new ones we'll make, Arsynists for life, A1 Day 1 kinda love x You still got small ears tho ❤ HAPPY BLOODY BIRTHDAY! 30! WOOOO! You're not old, you got plenty of time and life to live, I'm so proud of you, seeing you grow, being apart of it. Family is beautiful ❤ Glad you're apart of mine!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Ereristrun Avatar

    Arsyn, my dood. I remember the day you folded my hatchet-running ass on shoreline like it was yesterday. So glad I came to say hello. The past couple years have been manageable in no small part thanks to you. Your positivity and bunkassity are my favorite part of the day.

    Cheers, and happy birthday. Enjoy every second of it.

    Much love, -E

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  9. Jeditricks Avatar

    Arsyn you im so happy that i found you, you bring such a positve light to the world. you have helped me realize and a lot of people in chat to have fun and enjoy the ride. You represent my state with pride and i love that! I turned 30 in august as well. Cheers to the Dirty Thirties lets make them the best, Happy birthday man!

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  10.  Avatar

    Hey arsyn. I really don’t like streamers or twitch overall, I don’t really watch any live content. But your stream is so good i actively enjoy it. I know my prime sub every month really isn’t much, but I just wanna say thanks for being so dang entertaining.
    Happy 30th!

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  11. BoomBoomBilly Avatar

    Yo arsyn thanks for being the one of the reasons I stayed on twitch. I never really used it untill I found you and the gang. I still remember you gifting subs to little baby streamer billy. And I was shocked when I came over to your channel the next day, that someone as successful as you would go out of your way to help out a little guy like me.

    I say all the time I try to be the streamer that I would like to watch. And well you are one of the main people I sit in thier chat allday everyday.

    Welcome to the dirty 30 club. I hope you have some icyhot.

    Much love dude -T-

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